Een gezonde basis

Mariano Sanz

Periodontology and Implant Dentistry: How to envision the future?

Our current understanding of periodontal and peri-implant diseases is based on limited knowledge on the role of the oral microbiome and our host response to this microbial aggression. Similarly we have limited knowledge on the genetic bases of our susceptibility to suffer these diseases and how the environment and our life styles impact upon this susceptibility. This limited knowledge has a strong impact on how we currently treat these diseases, based primarily on the indiscriminate mechanical and chemical debridement and decontamination of the affected tooth and implant surfaces. In this presentation, I shall try to envision how the emerging knowledge on the etiopathogenesis and pathobiology of these diseases and the use of future technologies both in diagnosis and in advanced therapeutics may change these perspectives. I shall focus on the advent of precision and personalised approaches to treat periodontitis and on the advent of intelligent biomaterials and biologicals to reconstruct the tissues and teeth lost as a consequence of periodontal and peri-implant diseases.

Mariano Sanz
MD – Degree-Universidad Complutense of Madrid (MD)
Specialist in Stomatology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (DDS)
Specialist in.Periodontology. University of  California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Doctor en Medicine (PhD degree). Universidad Complutense de Madrid (DrMed)
Professor of Periodontology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Professor II University of Oslo
Director of the Graduate Programme “Master in Periodontology”. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Past - Dean of the Faculty of Odontology. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Past - Secretary General, President and President of the European Conference of Dental Deans (ADEE)
Past-Secretary General of the European Federation of Periodontology (EFP)
Honorary Doctorate Degree by the Universities of San Sebastian (Chile) Goteborg (Sweden), Coimbra (Portugal),  Buenos Aires (Argentina) and Warsaw (Poland)
Has published more than 350 scientific articles and book chapters in Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education
Has given multiple courses and seminars in Periodontology, Implant Dentistry and Dental Education
