Een gezonde basis

Dr. Daniela Garbo

When and how is orthodontic treatment possible in periodontitis Stage IV patients?

De bijzondere aspecten van orthodontie bij elementen die, als gevolg van parodontitis stadium IV, gaan verschuiven of verloren dreigen te gaan, worden door de Italiaanse orthodontist Daniela Garbo toegelicht. Welke aanpak is geïndiceerd bij elementen met forse botafbraak? Hoe cruciaal is de nazorg bij ortho-/paropatiënten om de orthodontie veilig te kunnen uitvoeren?

Patients with stage 4 periodontitis are characterized by severely reduced periodontal support, tooth loss and pathologic tooth migration, causing poor occlusal stability, inadequate masticatory function, difficulties in finalizing the prosthetic restauration and aesthetic impairment.
rthodontic treatment is often necessary to align prosthetic abutment, create ideal space for implant restorations, reduce overbite and overjet, improve aesthetic and occlusion, while trying to maintain the natural dentition of the patient after periodontal therapy.
Patients with severely reduced periodontium undergoing orthodontic treatment need clear definitions of treatment goals and timing of the different therapeutic steps, as well as careful planning of biomechanics, appliance design and retention phase.
A thorough interdisciplinary treatment plan should be performed with definition of all the aspects of treatment, including precise steps and timing of the different interventions performed by the practitioners involved.
Furthermore, orthodontics should be performed in a healthy periodontium following step 1- 2-3 of periodontal treatment, combined with close maintenance and monitoring of periodontal health throughout the treatment. According to scientific evidence and 20 years of clinical experience we will analyze indications, goals and limitations to allow a safe and successful orthodontic treatment of periodontal patients.

​​​​​​​Dr. Daniela Garbo is graduated from Medical School in 1992, Dentistry degree in 1995 and diploma in Periodontology in 1996 at the University of Turin, Italy. Specialization in Orthodontics in 2001.
In 2003 Master of Science in Orthodontics in the same department.  Guest lecturer at the International Short-term Postgraduate Course in Orthodontics at Aarhus University (DK) since 2011. Lecturer at the Postgraduate Orthodontic Program at Turin University and Milan San Raffaele Vita e Salute University. 
She is  an active member of SIDO, Italian Academy of Orthodontics, AAO, WFO, EOS.  She has a private practice of orthdontics in Turin, Italy.
