Een gezonde basis

Dr. Rodolfo Gianserra

The underestimated role of trauma from occlusion in advanced perio-patients 


Aanzienlijk botverlies kan leiden tot hypermobiliteit van elementen en als zodanig de behandeling compromitteren. Kunnen wij ernstige mobiliteit bij elementen – ‘secondair occlusietrauma’ – alleen met reinigen verbeteren? Welke elementen betreft dit en wanneer is stabilisatie via spalken raadzaam? De Italiaanse ‘top pilot’ dr. Rodolfo Gianserra licht dit uitgebreid toe. Daarbij is zeker: de mondhygiënist is onmisbaar bij het ontdekken van signalen van het secondaireocclusietrauma.

Diagnosis of Stage IV Periodontitis includes very often occlusal, functional and rehabilitation needs. On top of these issues today we do not have clinical guidelines with strong evidence based research to support our therapy like in Stage I, II and III Periodontitis. Interdisciplinary therapy in stage IV Periodontitis often requires particular attention to clinical manifestations of the advanced disease like teeth mobility, posterior bite collapse, flaring and drifting of the involved dentition. Differential diagnosis of occlusal trauma from and all the other symptoms is essential to understand and to improve the prognosis of the natural teeth before making use of dental implants. After discussing the historical prospective and relative importance of occlusion in the periodontal literature, Dr Gianserra with a modern approach, will try to illustrate if, when, why and how to treat occlusion related clinical problems. Developing an appropriate treatment planning together with less invasive techniques is often necessary in the treatment of Stage IV Periodontitis patient to better restore function and to improve the quality of life of the very advanced periodontitis patients.

​​​​​​​Dr. Rodolfo Gianserra graduated in Dentistry cum laude at University Sapienza in Rome. He received his Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study in Periodontology at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia USA, where he served as Clinical Assistant Professor and Visiting Professor. Currently he holds teaching positions in Periodontology at Sapienza University of Rome and University of Chieti. 
