Dr. Luca Landi
CEJ and its significance in the daily practice: from gingival recessions to altered passive eruption
Identification of the CEJ is important to establish what is normal or not normal in the clinical practice. Gingival recession (GR) is an apical shift of the gingival margin from the CEJ, while altered passive eruption is a coronal position of the gingiva (or the bone crest) above the CEJ. The prevalence of both conditions is nearly 80%. A new classification of GR includes also the evaluation of non-carious cervical lesions (NCCLs) of exposed roots. NCCLs may greatly affect the outcomes of treatment of GR. The combined restorative and surgical management of GR with NCCLs and the treatment of altered passive eruption will be shown.
Dr. Luca Landi is graduated in dentistry at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome in 1991. Scholarship for studies and research abroad of the University of Florence (1994-96). Post-graduate in Periodontology (CAGS) at Boston University (1994-1997). Adjunct Professor (2006-08) University of Siena. Visiting professor in the post graduate Oral Surgery program at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (1999-2002), in the Masters in Periodontology of the Universities of Turin (2019- to date), Florence (20-to date), Ferrara, Rome "Cattolica" and Roma "La Sapienza" (20-to date). Diplomate of the American Board of Periodontology and Implantology in 2003. Member of the American Academy of Periodontology and the Academy of Osseointegration. Active member and SIdP Board of Periodontology and Implantology of the Italian Society of Periodontology and Implantology (SIdP) since 2004 where he held the position of Secretary (2012-13), Treasurer (2014-17), President-Elect (2018-19) and President (2020-21). ITI Fellow (2022) and Founding Partner and Fellow of Boston University Italian Alumni (1999). Author of publications in international peer-reviewed journals, speaker at national and international conferences and co-author of chapters of texts on periodontology, implantology, endodontics and prosthetics. Devotes his clinical activity exclusively to periodontology, implantology and oral surgery in his associated offices in Rome and Verona.