Op donderdagavond 1 juni a.s. organiseert de NVvP een masterclass met als titel 'Biology of rock solid implantation' die gegeven wordt door niemand minder dan Prof. dr. Mauricío Araújo uit Brazilië.
18.00 - 19.00 uur Registratie - ontvangst met een walking diner
19.00 - 20.00 uur Successful ridge preservation for immediate and late implant placement.
The management of the ridge alterations that take place following tooth extraction is of great interest for Implant Dentistry. The current presentation will describe a series of studies regarding the various ways to approach the post-extraction bone diminution. It will be demonstrated that several anatomic features of the alveolar process influence the amount of post-extraction bone loss. The benefit of a minimally invasive tooth extraction for the socket healing will also be discussed. The use of ridge preservation, a clinical procedure that aims at preserving the ridge volume within the envelope existing at the time of extraction for immediate or late implant placement will be described. Clinical cases that illustrate the surgical technique and outcome of ridge preservation and implant placement will be discussed.
20.00-20.30 uur Pauze
20.30 - 21.30 uur Peri-implant tissues and the prevention of biological complications
The most common biological complications in Implant Dentistry are inflammatory lesions of the surrounding peri-implant tissues: peri-implant mucositis and peri-implantitis. Mucositis is described as an inflammatory reaction of the soft tissues surrounding an implant, while peri-implantitis is characterized by inflammatory response associated with progressive loss of supporting bone around the implant in function. The diagnosis, prevention and treatment of these conditions are a significant challenge for current implant dentistry. Thus, the aim of this presentation will be to discuss (i) the difficult for the diagnosis of peri-implant disease, (ii) the extension, prevalence and severity of the peri-implant diseases and (iii) the influence of keratinized mucosa and plaque control accessibility for the prevention and treatment of peri-implant diseases.
21.30 uur Afsluiting en een borrel
Prof.dr. Mauricío Araújo is a Periodontist working both in private practice Rio de Janeiro and at The State University of Maringa, Parana, Brazil. He completed his PhD at The University of Gothenburg, Sweden in 1998. He is the Chairman of the Perio/Implant Research Unit, State University of Maringá. He has together with his co-workers published groundbreaking research in the fields of ridge alterations following tooth extraction, ridge preservation, bone formation in extraction sockets and immediate implant placement. He is an ITI Fellow, the former ITI Chairman in Brazil and an Osteology Foundation Board member. He is member of the editorial board of several journals.
Locatie 'De Heeren van Montfoort' te Montfoort, Hoogstraat 41, 3417 HB Montfoort
Registratiekosten | |
Leden | € 135,00 |
Niet-leden | € 155,00 |
KRT - KRM punten zijn in aanvraag